Building A Winter First Aid Kit Naturally Plus Holiday Tips

EP 59

In Her own words ...
A Winter First Aid Kit

More of Diane McLaren's Healthy You Naturally Podcasts ...

EP 59 Prepare for the unexpected with a natural approach to common seasonal needs

Welcome to the the Healthy You Naturally wellness journey, an extension of my 30+ years knowledge and experience as a Natural Health Practitioner!

This episode is all about using herbs (nature's super-nutrients) that can be your natural front-line defenders against winter challenges like colds, flu, and other seasonal viruses,

The winter first aid kit is all about helping you and your loved ones stay well during the colder months.

PLUS: As for the holiday season where food is such a big part of it, I'm also including eight practical nutrition tips to help you enjoy all those treats without guilt.

Virgil, a 1st century BC Roman poet reminds us:

“The greatest wealth is health.”

This simple truth holds even more weight during the northern hemisphere’s winter season!

By nurturing our bodies with the strength of herbs, we’re preserving that wealth - our health - and reinforcing it naturally to handle the colder, more stressful months.

As winter approaches, our immune systems face more challenges than ever. Cold weather brings us closer indoors, increasing our exposure to seasonal viruses.

Add holiday stress, and it’s the perfect storm for immune strain. While many turn to common OTC remedies, herbs offer unique support because they work synergistically with our bodies.

Unlike isolated nutrients, which can be harsh or incomplete, herbs provide a holistic approach, addressing not only symptoms but also strengthening our natural resilience.

I share my go-to herbal allies for winter wellness, so you too can be prepared with a natural first aid kit that supports your body through winter and the holidays.

We’ll discuss which herbs apply to differing needs as well as dosage differences when following a maintenance program vs. helping your body fight and defend itself from those unwelcome invaders including:

  • Immune Support
  • Colds and Flu
  • Pain and Inflammation
  • Elevated Stress
  • Sleep Disruptors

And finally, I share eight tips to help you navigate the holidays by helping you listen to your body, not your eyes, and still enjoy all the seasonal goodies without guilt!

The reality for most of us is that there are a lot of complex factors that influence us daily, this episode will discuss knowledge and experiences that have proven effective, which I sincerely hope resonate with you!

Diane McLaren