Diane McLaren | A Wellness Practitioner

Founder of Healthy You Naturally Wellness Centres, the HYN Podcast and one of Canada's top Natural Health Practitioners.
In practice since 1994; Diane McLaren is a highly skilled and experienced Nutritionist, Iridologist, Herbalist, Reflexologist, Passionate Wellness Coach & Gifted Trainer. Diane really does "Walk The Talk"!
" Your body has the amazing ability to naturally realign and heal itself, if you’d just give it some basic attention! " ~ Diane McLaren
The journey from piano via Multiple Sclerosis to Wellness Practitioner
Diane did not initially plan to be a practitioner or own wellness centres ... 40 years ago she was well on her way to realizing a professional career in music (Piano).
But in 1982 while attending McGill University in Montreal, Diane was hospitalized by a massive paralysis which was eventually diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis followed by Fibromyalgia, then Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and more. Thus began a difficult 10-year journey.
By 1992 Diane McLaren had identified effective, natural solutions to address her own chronic conditions that had proven to be (and remain) long-lasting. It marked a turning point in her quality of life and ignited a passion and a mission to let others know, there are viable natural options!
Vision, Courage, Passion: A Service to Others
In practice since 1994, Diane expanded her services via her wellness centres in Mississauga and Oakville where she and her personally trained and skilled team welcomed clients.
Diane developed a unique, comprehensive methodology that has enabled her to help people of all ages. People who had given up finding solutions to their problems, found renewed hope, and a path to wellness.
The consolidation of Diane's education in nutrition, iridology, herbology, reflexology, related natural therapies and her own personal experiences enabled her to formalize a systematic approach focused on root-causes analysis and methodology that promotes healing leading to long-term wellness.
Today Diane continues to help others avoid what she had to endure; the feeling of helpless, the emotional confusion, self-doubt, anguish, pain, recurring symptoms, limitations, the pharmaceutical failures and experimentation. Many thousands of clients have enjoyed substantial and lasting results.
Diane now leads a very active, healthy lifestyle and enjoys excellent symptom free health as she continues to motivate and inspire wellness in others.
Ongoing Training, Education & Experience
- Canadian Iridology Institute
- Canadian Institute of Nutrition
- Tree of Light Institute
- International Institute of Reflexology
- Herbal Emerson College
- McGill University
- University of Toronto
- Saint Mary's University
- Morter Health Systems
- Peak Potential Training

Tutored by leaders in the natural health field
To develop her professional and unique skills, Diane has studied under numerous internationally recognized practitioners and leaders including:
- Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D. (Iridology)
- James Scala (Voyager & Mt. Everest nutritionist),
- Steven Horne (Herbology & Nutritional Healing)
- Dwight Byers (Ingham Method of Reflexology)
- Lenard Mehlmauer N.D. (Sclerology)
- M.T. Morter Jr. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.))
Passionate about continuing education
Diane continues to update her knowledge & skills by attending & participating in local and international courses, workshops & seminars. She co-authored a book with Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer and others in the best-selling series Wake Up ... Live The Life You Love
She has and continues to attended numerous seminars, workshops and studied under experts in their field including Steven Horne, David Wolf, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Keith Cunningham, Bill Bartmann, Bob Burg, Mary Christensen, Dr. Ted Morter Jr., David Hall, Susan Hutchins, Joel Crandall , Steven Halpern, Dr. Jonny Bowden PhD, Christine Stevens, Yamuna, Dr. Bruce Dewley, Dr. Pankaj Naram, Dr. Peter Goldman, DC, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Susan Silberstein PhD, Michael Bruce PhD. and so on.
Teaching to share her natural health kowledge
Diane has developed and taught natural health courses plus advanced holistic practitioner courses for over 20 years. Prior to expanding her wellness practice, Diane taught for almost 10 years at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) and remains a popular teacher and guest speaker.
With the launch of the Healthy You Naturally Podcast, Diane is sharing from her deep library of knowledge and experience for the benefit of all those following their own journey to natural health and wellness.