Herbs for Naturally Healthy Pets

EP 60

In Her own words ...
Herbs For Healthy Pets

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EP 60 Herbs for Paws | Natural Wellness Tips for Happy, Healthy Pets

Welcome to the the Healthy You Naturally wellness journey, an extension of 30+ years knowledge and experience as a Natural Health Practitioner!

This episode is all about a topic that’s close to many of our hearts, those 4-legged family members!

To set the tone for this topic, here are wonderful words from Anatole France - a renowned French poet, novelist, and Nobel laureate in Literature:

 “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

If you, a family member, or friend have a fur baby, or an interest, please join me to learn how herbs can make a meaningful difference in your pet’s long-term wellness.

Over Family Petsthe years, I’ve had a few furry family members. Currently, we have our almost 16-year-old Bichon Poo Sophie (who loves her raw and cooked vegetables) and Penny, our 11-year-old "in-charge" cat.

Plus, we have two grand-fur babies; Kevin, who’s just 6 months old and was quite the star on my Instagram recently drinking his chlorophyll, and very clever Finn, who’s 10+ (adopted so not really sure).

It’s such a joy to see how natural solutions like herbs can support their health and quality of life, just as they can for us!

Why consider herbs for our pets?

Like us, our pets encounter daily stressors and seasonal health challenges! And because herbs are nature’s food for the body, rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that play a powerful role in our health, the rewards are equally beneficial for our pets.

Just as herbs can help us, our pets can digest and benefit from herbs that nourish and strengthen the body at a cellular level, supporting organs and restoring balance.

This dual action of easing symptoms and addressing root causes makes herbs a wonderful choice for deeper, sustained wellness, immunity, and longevity.

While not a replacement for veterinary care, herbs can complement it, enhancing our pets’ quality of life! 

We’ll discuss nine key areas:

  1. Digestive Health
  2. Liver and Detoxification
  3. Support Anxiety and Calming Support
  4. Joint and Structural Support
  5. Parasite Prevention
  6. Urinary Health
  7. Immune Support
  8. Circulatory and Heart Health
  9. Overall, Health and Vitality

Safety First must always be top of mind, so we’ll also discuss important guidelines for pet herb usage, and consumption.

My special guest joining me for this episode is Sonia Paolini, a passionate and skilled natural health practitioner who is also specialized in Canine Herbalism, and with Canine Iridology on the horizon, brings her holistic expertise to the world of pet wellness! Find Sonia on: IG/Solefoodtherapy and FB/Solefoodtherapy

The reality for most of us (and our pets) is that there are a lot of complex factors that influence us daily, this episode will discuss knowledge and experiences that have proven effective, which I sincerely hope resonate with you!

Diane McLaren